Is Serbia Safe to Travel?

by oohtravels
Belgrade in the evening

Located in southeastern Europe, Serbia is a beautiful country known for its rich history, culture, and stunning natural landscapes. Many travelers describe it as a hidden gem. However, when it comes to traveling to Serbia, one of the crucial questions that arise is whether the country is safe to visit.

The good news is—

Serbia is considered a safe country to travel to with the overall ranking of 59/195 by ghsindex.

The country’s crime rate is relatively low, and violent crimes are rare. However, like any other country, Serbia has its share of petty crimes like pick-pocketing and theft, especially in crowded tourist areas. Therefore, tourists need to take necessary precautions, such as keeping their valuables, personal belongings, and international bank cards safe and being aware of their surroundings.

Serbia is also known for its friendly people who are always ready to help tourists. The locals are welcoming and hospitable which makes traveling a pleasant and safe experience. However, foreign visitors need to be respectful of the country’s customs and culture and abide by all the rules and regulations.

The political situation in Serbia has undergone significant changes in the past few years, and the country is now stable and conflict-free. However, there are still some tensions in the region, especially in Kosovo. Therefore, before your visit, we advise you to stay updated with the latest news in Serbia and the region.

Serbia is also a popular destination for women travelers. Female travelers can feel safe and comfortable, as the locals are respectful and helpful towards women. However, it is still important to dress modestly and respectfully, especially when visiting religious sites. At night and in the late evenings, avoid walking alone and take taxis instead.

The Serbian government has taken measures to ensure the safety of tourists. The police force is present and visible in tourist areas, and emergency services are readily available. In case of any emergency, tourists can call the 112 emergency number.

Staying safe in Serbia: recommendations

When traveling to Serbia, there are several precautions travelers can take to ensure their safety. While the country is generally safe for tourists, it is important to be aware of potential risks, such as political demonstrations and protests that can sometimes become violent as in other European countries.

When using public transportation, especially at night, keep an eye on your belongings and avoid taking out large sums of money in public.

Staying in reputable hotels or hostels that are typically well-maintained and have security measures to protect their guests is always one of the best options.

When exploring the city, it is important to stay in well-lit areas and avoid dark alleys or side streets. Try to stay away from traveling alone in the late evenings or at night, especially if you do not know the area or are travelling in rural areas.

Finally, it is important to be cautious when interacting with strangers. While Serbians are friendly and welcoming to tourists and speak English well, avoid sharing personal information.

Before visiting Serbia, it is highly recommended that you purchase travel insurance and obtain contact information for emergency consular assistance.


Is Serbia safe for American tourists?

While there may be some concerns about petty crime in certain areas, overall Serbia is a safe and welcoming country. In fact, the country has been making efforts to improve its tourism industry in recent years, investing in infrastructure, promoting attractions and safe visits.

Is Belgrade safe for women?

With proper precautions, such as avoiding walking alone at night and staying in well-lit areas, women can enjoy a safe experience in Belgrade and other Serbian cities and towns.

What are the potential dangers of travel in Serbia?

While Serbia is considered a safe country to visit, it’s worth noting that petty crime such as pick-pocketing and theft might occur in tourist areas. Travelers should also be aware of the possibility of natural disasters such as earthquakes, as well as certain risks associated with driving in unfamiliar areas.

It’s important to stay informed about any local political tensions or demonstrations, as these can occasionally turn violent. Despite these potential risks, Serbia can still be a rewarding and memorable travel destination, with a rich history, delicious cuisine, and stunning natural beauty to explore.

Is Serbia safe for LGBT+ travellers?

Serbia is considered a safe destination for LGBT+ travellers. However, there are still some issues that need to be addressed. For instance, the country doesn’t have any anti-discrimination laws that specifically protect LGBT+ people. Furthermore, there have been reports of hate crimes against the LGBT+ community.

Despite this, the situation has improved in recent years, and there are several active LGBT+ organizations in the country that are working towards creating a more inclusive society.

Additionally, Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, has a vibrant LGBT+ scene with some gay bars, clubs, and events. Overall, while Serbia may not be perfect, it is definitely a country worth considering for LGBT+ travellers who are looking for an interesting and welcoming destination.

Is there anti-American sentiment in Serbia?

Serbia has a complex history of conflict and alliances with various world powers, including the United States. While there have been instances of anti-American sentiment expressed by some individuals or groups in Serbia, it is also important to distinguish anti-American sentiment towards the American government and policies versus American people or culture. Attitudes towards the United States may vary depending on geographic location, age, education level, and other factors.

Is Serbia safe for Muslim tourists?

Serbia is a safe destination for Muslim tourists who need to be aware of the country’s history and cultural norms. Serbia has a significant Muslim population, and Islam is recognized as one of its official religions. In the country, most Muslims are of the Sunni branch, and there are also some Shia and Sufi communities. Foreign visitors should respect local traditions, and dress modestly when visiting religious sites.

Is Serbia safe for Canadian tourists?

Yes, Serbia is safe for Canadian tourists who need to follow safety measures, especially when travelling to larger cities. It is also recommended to check the Government of Canada’s travel advisory for Serbia before travelling.

Is air pollution an issue in Serbia?

Air pollution is a serious problem in Serbia, with major cities such as Belgrade and Nis consistently ranking among the most polluted cities in Europe. The main sources of air pollution in Serbia are industrial emissions, traffic, and the use of solid fuels for heating. The government has taken some steps to address the problem, but much more needs to be done to improve air quality and protect public health.

Final thoughts

Serbia offers a unique and enriching travel experience with its vibrant culture, delicious cuisine, and breathtaking landscapes. With proper planning and taking necessary precautions, tourists can have a safe and enjoyable trip to this beautiful country.

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