21 Things To Do Before Traveling Internationally For First-Time Travelers

by oohtravels
A man walking with only one shoe visible, a suitcase in front of him, and holding a blurry passport.

Embarking on an international journey is an exhilarating experience that promises adventure, cultural enrichment, and unforgettable memories. However, the excitement of exploring foreign lands comes with a set of responsibilities that, if addressed beforehand, can significantly enhance the ease and enjoyment of the trip.

International travel preparation involves meticulous planning and careful attention to detail to guarantee a seamless, secure, and hassle-free journey. From securing travel documents to familiarizing with the destination’s customs and language, the steps taken before leaving can make all the difference.

The list of things to know when traveling abroad grows every time we venture out. In the beginning, we naively knew basic things like bringing a passport and booking tickets well in advance, but with each journey, we learn more about cultural nuances, local customs, and the importance of planning for unforeseen circumstances. We have to admit, during travels, we encountered numerous mishaps, stemming largely from failure to pack essential items that, ironically, hadn’t been considered important or had been completely forgotten about prior to departure.

This article aims to guide first-time travelers through the essential preparations and considerations for international travel, ensuring confidence and peace of mind throughout the journey. For those embarking on their first overseas adventure, these travel tips will lay the foundation for a successful and enriching travel experience.

Absolute essentials before setting off

When it comes to packing for a journey, especially one that crosses international borders, there exists a category of items so critical that their presence or absence can fundamentally alter the experience of the trip. These are the non-negotiables of travel preparation, designed to ensure not just the smooth progression of the journey but also to maintain a level of comfort and security from departure to return. This indispensable collection should be kept close, either on the person or within the easily accessible confines of the carry-on bag.

Travel documents

First and foremost, ensure all travel documents are in order. This includes the passport, necessary visas, and flight tickets. Thoroughly research the visa requirements for the destination country. It’s also wise to carry a copy of these documents separately from the originals. Remember to securely store passport information, both digitally and in hard copy.

Before finalizing travel plans, it’s crucial to double-check the expiration date on the passport to ensure it remains valid throughout the entire trip, as many countries require passports to be valid for at least six months beyond the date of entry. Failure to comply with these requirements could result in denied entry or unexpected complications during travels.

Travel insurance

Never underestimate the critical importance of securing travel insurance before embarking on the journey. This crucial step can truly be a lifesaver, offering invaluable protection in a variety of unforeseen circumstances. From providing coverage in the event of medical emergencies that require immediate attention in foreign countries, to offering compensation for the inconvenience and loss of luggage, or even covering the financial impact of unexpected trip cancellations, travel insurance ensures that travelers are well-prepared for the unpredictable nature of traveling.

Local currencies, cash, credit cards

In addition to securing some local currency for immediate expenses upon arrival in the destination country, it’s wise to consider carrying a universal credit card that is widely accepted, such as Revolut, which, in our experience, proved to be an absolute lifesaver. Cards like these not only offer convenience across various countries but also typically provide favorable exchange rates and lower fees than traditional banking services.

It’s crucial to check the limits on credit and debit cards to ensure smooth financial transactions abroad. Often, international transactions may require adjustments to card settings to avoid disruptions or unexpected declines. Contact the bank prior to departure, either through a visit in person or via phone or online banking services, to inquire about any necessary modifications to the card’s settings for overseas use. This proactive step can help prevent any inconvenience while abroad and ensure that financial transactions proceed seamlessly throughout the journey.


When packing for travels, it’s crucial to include any prescription medications in their original containers, accompanied by a copy of the prescription itself. This not only ensures compliance with international travel regulations but also facilitates easier identification and verification by customs and security officials if needed. Additionally, don’t overlook the importance of bringing along over-the-counter medications for common ailments such as headaches, allergies, stomach upsets, or motion sickness.

Travel health kit

Carrying a small health kit is an indispensable part of travel plans, allowing for the swift and efficient addressing of minor medical issues while on the move. Essential items such as plasters for cuts and scrapes, antiseptic wipes for cleaning wounds, and a selection of any other personal health items tailored to specific needs should be included.

Travel documents and itineraries

It’s a wise strategy to keep both digital and printed copies of the travel itinerary, which should comprehensively include hotel addresses, confirmation numbers for tour bookings, and any tickets for events or attractions planned to attend. This level of preparation ensures that all necessary information is readily accessible, regardless of access to electronic devices or internet connectivity.

Mobile apps

Before setting off on international travels, taking the time to research and download the apps commonly used in the destination country can profoundly enhance the travel experience. Many countries or cities have specific apps for public transportation, food delivery, ride-sharing, or even tourist guides that can make navigating unfamiliar places significantly easier and more enjoyable.

For example, during our travels in South Korea, we relied on the Papago app (Android and iPhone) for translation and Naver Map (Android and iPhone) for navigation. We found these apps indispensable as Google services were not as accurate in the region.

In the luggage

Items in this category encompass a carefully considered selection of belongings that, while not essential for the immediate hours of transit, become crucial over the course of the trip. These are the pieces that, although won’t need to be reached for until arriving at the destination (they are in checked luggage or the main travel backpack), will significantly contribute to the comfort, convenience, and enjoyment of the journey.

Adapters and converters

Different countries have different plug types and voltages. Research if it’s necessary to bring adapters and converters to ensure electronic devices stay charged and safe.

For example, during our visit to London, we overlooked the fact that the UK uses different outlets. Accustomed to standard European ones, we failed to bring any converters and had to borrow them from the hotel.

The importance of carrying a power bank while traveling cannot be overstated. In an age where smartphones and electronic devices are central to navigating, capturing memories, and staying connected, a depleted battery can significantly disrupt travel plans. A power bank serves as a portable charging station, ensuring that devices remain powered throughout long flights, bus rides, or days spent exploring when access to power outlets may be scarce or unavailable.

While in Seoul, we greatly overestimated the capacity of our phone’s battery. Having a power bank would have alleviated a considerable amount of stress and worry. Carrying a full charger is impractical, and not all locations offered a wall outlet where we could comfortably monitor our battery’s charge.

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Comfortable footwear

A pair of comfortable shoes truly is indispensable for any traveler. Whether meandering through the winding streets of ancient cities, trekking along rugged hiking trails, or simply standing for long periods at museums and galleries, feet will profoundly thank the wearer. The right footwear not only prevents discomfort and fatigue but also enhances the ability to fully immerse and enjoy every step of the journey.

Layered clothing

The secret to packing light while ensuring preparedness for any weather condition lies in the art of layering. By including versatile pieces in the travel wardrobe that can be easily mixed and matched, a multitude of outfits can be created from a minimal selection of items. Opt for lightweight, breathable fabrics that can be layered for warmth or worn separately on warmer days.

Of course, before embarking on the journey, it’s essential to check the weather forecast for the destination, so travelers can pack appropriately.


While hotels typically offer guests basic toiletries, taking the initiative to pack favorite personal care items in travel-sized containers can significantly enhance the travel experience. This thoughtful preparation ensures that travelers won’t miss the comforts of home, allowing for the maintenance of daily hygiene and beauty routines with products that are known and loved.

Extra things to consider

These are items that might not immediately come to mind but can significantly enhance the travel experience or come in handy in unexpected situations. These are the hidden gems of travel packing, the small touches that can make a big difference in comfort, convenience, and overall trip satisfaction.


A lightweight daypack is the ideal companion for those who venture out on day-long excursions or spontaneous adventures. Perfectly sized to carry all daily necessities—such as a water bottle to stay hydrated, snacks to keep energy levels up, sunscreen to protect against the sun’s harsh rays, identity documents to ensure safety and ease of access wherever, and perhaps even a small travel guide or map—this versatile bag ensures everything needed is within arm’s reach.

That’s why we adore Kanken: waterproof, with delightful colors and diverse sizes to complement our outfits, offering comfort and ample space.


Earplugs, a sleep mask, and a travel blanket are the unsung heroes of travel. These seemingly simple items pack a powerful punch in enhancing overall travel comfort. Earplugs and a sleep mask become indispensable allies in creating a personal oasis of tranquility, shielding from sounds and the intrusion of light, and ensuring restful sleep regardless of surroundings.

We personally prefer this sleep mask for its comfort and, most importantly, its ability to shield us from all light sources.

Similarly, a compact, lightweight travel blanket is a game-changer for long flights, bus rides, or chilly airport terminals, offering a cozy layer of warmth and comfort.


Long journeys can be tedious. Bring along some form of entertainment—books, music, podcasts, or games—to keep occupied. While some airlines may offer wired headphones, it’s not a guarantee on every flight. Bringing personal headphones is a wise choice, especially for long-distance journeys. This way, travelers can comfortably re-watch favorite movies without the risk of disturbing fellow passengers.

We personally favor JBL for its exceptional sound quality, extended battery life, comfortable design, and compact form factor.

Bringing along a small, portable reading lamp for a book allows travelers to enjoy their favorite novels on the plane without having to turn on the overhead light, ensuring they don’t disturb the other passengers around them.

The Internet

Consider internet connectivity options to stay connected and navigate unfamiliar territories efficiently. Investing in an international data plan from a home provider or purchasing a local SIM card can provide convenient access to data while abroad, allowing for the use of maps, communication with loved ones, and access to essential information on the go.

Additionally, many larger cities around the world offer free public WiFi hotspots in popular tourist areas, transportation hubs, and public spaces, providing travelers with an alternative means of internet access without incurring additional costs. However, it’s important to exercise caution when connecting to public WiFi networks to protect personal information from potential security risks.

Local holidays

Checking local holidays before traveling to a new destination is a wise practice that can significantly enhance the travel experience. Being aware of local holidays allows for effective trip planning, ensuring that important cultural events or activities are not missed during the visit. It also helps anticipate potential closures of businesses, attractions, or public transportation systems, which could impact the itinerary.

And while having a rough itinerary is essential, being open to spontaneous experiences and changes in plans is important. Some of the best travel memories come from unexpected encounters and discoveries. Traveling to a new destination can be intimidating, but embracing the unknown and stepping out of the comfort zone can lead to unforgettable experiences and newfound confidence.

Cultural norms

Cultural norms encompass a wide range of behaviors, customs, and societal expectations that may vary significantly from one place to another. By familiarizing with these norms, such as appropriate dress codes, greetings, gestures, and social etiquette, travelers demonstrate cultural sensitivity and appreciation for the local way of life. Given the personal significance of tattoos, it’s crucial to understand the cultural norms in the destination country, as attitudes toward tattoos may differ and could impact social interactions. This not only helps avoid inadvertently causing offense but also enhances the overall travel experience by facilitating meaningful connections with locals and immersing more fully in the destination’s culture.

Familiarizing with common phrases in the local language, such as greetings, thank you, and please, is essential. Even possessing knowledge of a few words can significantly bridge cultural gaps and demonstrate respect to locals.

Understanding the primary language spoken in the area being visited allows for more effective navigation, communication with locals, and immersion in the culture. Additionally, being aware of the prevalence of English can assist in preparing for interactions, whether it’s arranging transportation, ordering food, or seeking assistance.


Knowing when stores are open helps in structuring activities and shopping trips, ensuring access to essential items. Additionally, being aware of store operating times can mitigate frustration or inconvenience, especially if specific items or souvenirs are on the shopping itinerary.

Many stores around the world adhere to different opening hours, influenced by cultural practices, local regulations, or seasonal variations. Taking the time to check when stores open in advance, whether through online research or local inquiries, optimizes time and maximizes shopping opportunities while traveling.

For example, before our journey to Seoul, we attempted to determine how shops operate during Seollal, or if they operate at all. Many websites provided contradictory information, making it difficult to find one definitive answer.


Finding food and restaurants that cater to dietary preferences beforehand is a crucial aspect of international travel preparation, especially for those with specific dietary needs or restrictions. Researching local cuisine and dining options can help identify restaurants that offer suitable menu items, whether following a vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or other dietary lifestyle.

Utilizing online resources such as restaurant review websites, travel forums, food blogs, or instagram and tiktok accounts can provide valuable insights into the dining scene at the destination, including recommendations from fellow travelers who share similar dietary preferences.

These are some of the accounts we followed while searching for places to explore in Seoul: @solli.fe, @incyvincyspider, @thesoulofseoulblog.

It’s also important to research whether it’s safe to drink tap water to avoid potential health risks.


Taking the time to familiarize with local safety recommendations, such as areas to avoid, emergency contact numbers (also for the embassy), and transportation precautions, is essential. Additionally, staying vigilant, particularly in crowded tourist areas, can help avoid potential scams or petty theft. Keeping belongings secure, being wary of overly friendly strangers, and trusting instincts if something seems suspicious are important. By staying informed and alert, risks can be minimized, and the destination can be navigated with confidence and peace of mind.


Before embarking on the journey, conduct thorough research to assess the safety of the country planned for visitation and to evaluate the security situation in the specific areas or districts where accommodations are located. This includes gathering information about any potential risks, such as crime rates, political instability, or natural hazards, and considering factors like the local laws and customs that may impact safety. Taking these precautions can contribute to ensuring a smooth and secure travel experience.

In conclusion

Embarking on a first international journey is an exhilarating experience filled with anticipation and excitement. By following these essential travel tips, a smooth and enjoyable adventure from start to finish can be ensured. From securing travel documents to understanding local customs, packing wisely, and staying connected, each tip plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall travel experience. Remember to embrace the unknown, immerse in the culture of the destination, and savor every moment of the international adventure.

With careful preparation and an open mind, a first trip abroad will be a memorable and transformative journey that ignites a lifelong passion for travel. Bon voyage and safe travels!


Before embarking on an international journey, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of various aspects of travel preparation. Here are some common questions and answers to help navigate through the planning process and ensure a smooth travel experience.

What documents do I need to travel internationally?

Typically, a valid passport is required, and a visa may be necessary depending on the destination and nationality. It’s also wise to carry copies of the travel itinerary, accommodation bookings, and any necessary medical documents.

How far in advance should I book my international flight?

We personally book our international flights several months in advance to secure the best deals and availability, and we recommend doing the same, especially during peak travel seasons.

Do I need a visa to visit the destination country?

Visa requirements vary depending on nationality and the destination country. Visa requirements can be checked on its official government website or by consulting with the nearest embassy or consulate.

What should I pack for an international trip?

Essential items to pack include the passport, travel documents, appropriate clothing for the destination’s climate, personal hygiene products, medications, travel adapters, and any necessary electronic devices.

How much money should I budget for my trip?

The budget will depend on various factors such as the destination, duration of stay, accommodation choices, dining preferences, and planned activities. It’s essential to research the cost of living in the destination country and create a budget that accounts for all anticipated expenses.

Is travel insurance necessary for international travel?

While travel insurance is not mandatory, we buy and we recommend purchasing it to protect against unforeseen events such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or lost luggage. Travel insurance provides peace of mind and financial security during travels.

How do I stay connected to the internet while abroad?

Options for staying connected abroad include purchasing an international data plan from a home provider, obtaining a local SIM card, or utilizing free public WiFi available in many destinations, particularly in urban areas. Verify whether hotels and accommodations offer internet connectivity.

What are some common cultural norms or customs I should be aware of?

Cultural norms vary widely from one country to another. Research and respect the customs, traditions, and etiquette of the destination, including greetings, gestures, and appropriate behavior in social settings.

What should I do in case of an emergency while abroad?

In case of an emergency, contact the local authorities or emergency services immediately. It’s also essential to have a copy of the travel insurance policy and embassy contact information readily available.

Are there any health or vaccination requirements for traveling to certain countries?

Some countries may require proof of vaccination or specific health precautions before entry. Consult with a healthcare professional for recommended vaccinations and health guidelines for the destination or check the embassy website for more details.

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